In an extraordinary demonstration of artificial intelligence, a small robot in Shanghai recently managed to persuade 12 larger showroom robots...
In an unprecedented move, India’s space research efforts are reaching new heights through a significant partnership with SpaceX, the private...
On the 11th October 2024, Tesla CEO Elon Musk lifted the curtain on one of the most advanced projects the...
The recently discontinued iPhone 15 Pro, manufactured by Apple, can be bought from Flipkart for only Rs 89,999 during this...
Samsung has envisaged the next round of job cut at its India operations while the company’s sales and market share...
Space X’s satellite based internet service Starlink has complied with the Brazilian Supreme court’s directions and it has banned the...
The new iPhone 16 Pro Max will be the last solar line up to 2024, and it will be a...
Layoffs in the tech industry reached 27,065 in August 2024 across 44 firms; this figure was the highest in a...
Lego has stated that it will phase out the use of fossil fuels in its famous building blocks replacing them...